Kenyan diasporians doing us Proud

The latest Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) shows that Kenyans living and working abroad sent home $ 2 billion or Ksh. 258.9 billion during the first five months of the year 2024, which was an 18.9 percent jump from the inflows of the similar period last year. Though the tradition high diaspora source destinations areContinue reading “Kenyan diasporians doing us Proud”

4 ways to adequately fund the EAC

Many programmes of the East African Community (EAC) have stalled due to cash crunch blamed on non-remittance of dues by the member states amounting to over $40 million. Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda have consistently paid up their dues hence keeping the secretariat and other organs running though much more should be done. The budgetContinue reading “4 ways to adequately fund the EAC”

Good news that Tanzania is setting up Kiswahili promotion and learning centres globally – article in the East African of 1st to 7th June 2024

It is good news that the Tanzanian governmentwill be setting up Kiswahili learning and promotion centres throughout the world to promote this uniquely African language with its associated culture and way of life. One of the reasons for promotion of Kiswahili is that the language has immense opportunities to foster peace, cohesion, integration, and businessContinue reading “Good news that Tanzania is setting up Kiswahili promotion and learning centres globally – article in the East African of 1st to 7th June 2024”

Investments made on Lamu Port part of a greater grand Vision of LAPSSET

Over the last few weeks, media has been abuzz with thenews that theLamu port has received three ultra-modern ship to shore – gantry cranes, the much-needed Super Post Panamax ship to shore (STS) gantry cranes to boost operations at Kenya’s second commercial sea port. The STS are equipped with advanced and modern technology for seaContinue reading “Investments made on Lamu Port part of a greater grand Vision of LAPSSET”

Greed, lack of ethics and national values fueling the cycle of corruption

According to the 2023 National Ethics and Corruption survey, the average bribe paid nearly doubled to Ksh. 11,625 from Ksh. 6,865 in the previous year. The survey shows that most of the Kenyans paid bribes because it was the only way they would access the required services. We have normalized the abnormal to an extentContinue reading “Greed, lack of ethics and national values fueling the cycle of corruption”

Three things to show appreciation of our Diasporians as we hold the Diaspora Investment Conference

The Diaspora Investment Conference is going on at KICC from 13th to 15th December 2023 under the theme “Tujenge Kenya: Bridging borders, building futures”. The importance to the Kenyan economy of the diasporians has been demonstrated by the fact that it has overtaken the traditional sources of foreign exchange earner for Kenya as per theContinue reading “Three things to show appreciation of our Diasporians as we hold the Diaspora Investment Conference”

At 60 years old, Kenya is mature enough to find new ways for its development

This Tuesday, 12th December 2023, Kenya marked its 60th anniversary, commemorating the day it become a republic after having been granted internal self-rule in 1st June 1963. At independence, the founding fathers were keen to fight three ills afflicting the country at the time: Ignorance, Poverty and Disease. Tremendous progress has since been made onContinue reading “At 60 years old, Kenya is mature enough to find new ways for its development”