Kenyan diasporians doing us Proud

The latest Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) shows that Kenyans living and working abroad sent home $ 2 billion or Ksh. 258.9 billion during the first five months of the year 2024, which was an 18.9 percent jump from the inflows of the similar period last year. Though the tradition high diaspora source destinations areContinue reading “Kenyan diasporians doing us Proud”

How to tackle Kenya’s economic challenges

The Ksh. 4.1 trillion or $31 billion 2024/2025 financial year budget statement presentation on Thursday 13th June 2024 is monumental amidst the concerns of Debt to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) ratio expected to hit 67.50 percent at the end of 2024 according to the Trading Economics Global Macro models and analysts’ expectations; and the publicContinue reading “How to tackle Kenya’s economic challenges”

Fund local research and innovation

Revelations that over 70 percent of the research carried over in Kenya, including by the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) has been funded by donors, which denies the country the much needed and valuable intellectual property rights, data ownership. There is need to ensure adequate domestic research funds mobilization and funding so that we canContinue reading “Fund local research and innovation”

Parastatal reforms good idea

The country has over 450 parastatals or State-Owned Entities (SoEs), out of which are commercial and others are non-commercial. Parastatals are necessary for effective performance by the government because they are responsible for certain elements of public service and delivery. To illustrate the power of parastatals and SoEs, their share in the top 500 globalContinue reading “Parastatal reforms good idea”