Good news that Tanzania is setting up Kiswahili promotion and learning centres globally – article in the East African of 1st to 7th June 2024

It is good news that the Tanzanian governmentwill be setting up Kiswahili learning and promotion centres throughout the world to promote this uniquely African language with its associated culture and way of life. One of the reasons for promotion of Kiswahili is that the language has immense opportunities to foster peace, cohesion, integration, and businessContinue reading “Good news that Tanzania is setting up Kiswahili promotion and learning centres globally – article in the East African of 1st to 7th June 2024”

Let universities make money

A communique by the Vice Chancellors at the end of the 2024 leadership Training Workshop have agreed to supplement state funding through enhanced resource mobilization strategies. The global financial recession, inflation, wars, conflicts, debts burdens, increased state obligations have made it impossible for the public sector to continue pumping more funds to the universities. TheyContinue reading “Let universities make money”

Way forward for broke universities

The Daily Nation of 17th January 2024 has reported that the Kenya public universities are struggling to remain afloat after the salaries, wages, retirement benefits and medial cover premiums jumped by a fifth to hit Ksh. 45.33 billion in last year. The total pending bills in the 42 public universities and university colleges swelled byContinue reading “Way forward for broke universities”

Implement findings of FKE survey on skills gaps and situation in Kenya

The Federation of Kenya Employers (FKE) partnered with the Africa Digital Media Institute (ADMI) and Nexford University to undertake the Skills Needs Survey Report for Kenya which uncovered many things about the training and the industry needs in Kenya. It noted first that 49.1 percent of the job seekers lacked effective communication skills which meansContinue reading “Implement findings of FKE survey on skills gaps and situation in Kenya”

At 60 years old, Kenya is mature enough to find new ways for its development

This Tuesday, 12th December 2023, Kenya marked its 60th anniversary, commemorating the day it become a republic after having been granted internal self-rule in 1st June 1963. At independence, the founding fathers were keen to fight three ills afflicting the country at the time: Ignorance, Poverty and Disease. Tremendous progress has since been made onContinue reading “At 60 years old, Kenya is mature enough to find new ways for its development”