Good news that counties are growing in Own Source Revenues (OSR)

The Controller of Budget (CoB) has noted that Kiambu county was the best in the Own Source Revenue (OSR) collection across the country in the 2023/2024 financial year. The report notes that in the first nine months of the financial year, the OSR collections were Ksh. 3.4 billion, an increase which represents a 27.2 percentContinue reading “Good news that counties are growing in Own Source Revenues (OSR)”

4 ways to adequately fund the EAC

Many programmes of the East African Community (EAC) have stalled due to cash crunch blamed on non-remittance of dues by the member states amounting to over $40 million. Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda have consistently paid up their dues hence keeping the secretariat and other organs running though much more should be done. The budgetContinue reading “4 ways to adequately fund the EAC”

How to tackle Kenya’s economic challenges

The Ksh. 4.1 trillion or $31 billion 2024/2025 financial year budget statement presentation on Thursday 13th June 2024 is monumental amidst the concerns of Debt to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) ratio expected to hit 67.50 percent at the end of 2024 according to the Trading Economics Global Macro models and analysts’ expectations; and the publicContinue reading “How to tackle Kenya’s economic challenges”

Good news that Tanzania is setting up Kiswahili promotion and learning centres globally – article in the East African of 1st to 7th June 2024

It is good news that the Tanzanian governmentwill be setting up Kiswahili learning and promotion centres throughout the world to promote this uniquely African language with its associated culture and way of life. One of the reasons for promotion of Kiswahili is that the language has immense opportunities to foster peace, cohesion, integration, and businessContinue reading “Good news that Tanzania is setting up Kiswahili promotion and learning centres globally – article in the East African of 1st to 7th June 2024”

Parastatal reforms good idea

The country has over 450 parastatals or State-Owned Entities (SoEs), out of which are commercial and others are non-commercial. Parastatals are necessary for effective performance by the government because they are responsible for certain elements of public service and delivery. To illustrate the power of parastatals and SoEs, their share in the top 500 globalContinue reading “Parastatal reforms good idea”

Greed, lack of ethics and national values fueling the cycle of corruption

According to the 2023 National Ethics and Corruption survey, the average bribe paid nearly doubled to Ksh. 11,625 from Ksh. 6,865 in the previous year. The survey shows that most of the Kenyans paid bribes because it was the only way they would access the required services. We have normalized the abnormal to an extentContinue reading “Greed, lack of ethics and national values fueling the cycle of corruption”